27 februari 2014

BABY POP - U Know What I'm Saying

Straight up gangster house released in '95. 

Everybody on Discogs is begging for a copy or repress because there are hardly any tracks that capture the gangster-house feeling as well as "U Know What I'm Saying" does.

VESSELS - Elliptic (Barker & Baumecker remix)

Sam Barker & Andreas Baumecker with a stunning IDM production. Baumecker is a disciple from Ostgut Ton, who works behind the scene for the mighty Berghain. Barker is less techno-oriented and leans more towards electronica. The two combined released a marvelous album, titled Transsektoral, in September '12 on Ostgut Ton that united techno with experimental.

In reminiscence of their album I stumbled across their version of "Elliptic". I was grabbed by the uplifting atmosphere and the absolute grace with which the track progresses. 

24 februari 2014

RØDHÅD - Newspeak

Sigurd Grünberber

This track has so much of what I look for in techno. A ghostly vocal, short breaks that create lots of tension, smashing basslines and power. Lots of power. 

"Newspeak" was the first release on RØdhåd's Dystopian.