The original has a merciful and slow build up which you're always moving to. I love the seductive and sexy bassline. A bonus is the remix done by Jonas Kopp. What a colossal track that is. Tell me, which one do you like more?
Shifted showing you what it means to play a two hour set. His mixing skills are so fluent. The entire set feels like an experience, it's not just a collection of tracks. There aren't many DJ's that can make their set feel like an experience. You see a lot of people claiming it to be, but it often doesn't hold up. Shifted builds up his set like it's the Great Wall of China, but he also holds the Wall together with phenomenal techno.
This Boiler Room set is already one of my favorites. Don't you just want to dance when you see ROD play those tracks like a crazy wizard? He soothes you into it with sexy snares and gentle basslines. His third track(Oni Ayhun-OAR 004A) completely takes over with its mental atmosphere, psychotic gun shots and loud bangs. In order for someone to understand and appreciate the beauty of music like Ayhun's track you have to be mad or genius. I'm pretty sure ROD is both. You should be pretty sure as well after watching the video.
Recondite created a tense atmosphere with those clangs. What goes on in the background feels like ebbing and flowing of the tide.
Recondite also made some deep house tracks not too long ago but I'm delighted he's not exploring that aspect of electronic music anymore. Stick to murky and dark techno Recondite. Murky and dark techno.